When autumn comes, Central Highlands seems like sinking in yellowness. It makes people living here remember about the tearful love story of couple K’lang and H’limh in the past.

Those who have visited B’Lao plateau or Central Highlands mountain city – the famous place-name with tea hill, coffee,…Now it’s also famous with the roads full yellow flowers.

The red dirt roads in this season are covered by the petite flowers, it make visitors feel spellbound. In the evening, tourists can drink “Cần” alcohol and enjoy Xoang dance beside of the flickering flames. Visitors will feel like sinking into legendary perennial sunflower. This flower is related to the tearful love story of K’lang and H’limh very beautifully.

K’lang – A valiant man, he loved H’limh – the most beautiful girl here in that time. But happiness of couple cannot last long. They died because the jealousy of La rihn – the son of La Sieng patriarch.

La rihn kidnapped K’lang when he went into the forest for hunting. Until meeting K’lang, H’limh knew that he was near death. Hugging lover in hand, H’limh was also dispatched because the jealousy of La rihn.

The place where buried couple grew up the flower, it only opens in the end of autumn – when they died in the past. And Perennial Sunflower comes like that being the tearful love story of local people.

This flower only grows more in the highland where have cold weather. Coming here visitors seem to be warmed by these flowers.

When coming B’Lao mountain city, Di Linh or Dambri waterfall, Dran highland, Tu Tra, Bong Lai, you will feel surprise before these beautiful perennial sunflowers in here.

Many tourists often feel surprise when looking perennial sunflowers hills in here.

If you don’t come yet here to watch perennial sunflower, you should have a plan to come here soon in the end of autumn. Schedule can go from Dak Nong, Dak Lak, Buon Me Thuot to Kon Tum.

Next destinations which is not really popular with Saigon people to watch these flowers are: Sa Thay, Mang Den, Ngoc Hoi,…

Perennial sunflower is very beautiful attracting many tourists coming here to visit.

Although this flower hasn’t scent like other flowers, it still leaves unforgettable impression in the mind of visitors.