Hue attracts visitors by quietly beauty, sweet-dreamy songs on Perfume River. Moreover travelers also are attracted by ancient architecture of royal life. When discovering Hue citadel, visitors will be surprised by some following interesting things.


1. Royal relics have undamaged in Vietnam

If visitors come to Hoa Lu old capital relics in Ninh Binh province or Co Loa citadel or Thang Long castle, they recognize these all are ruin. However Hue citadel also are protected to undamaged in Vietnam. It is more beautiful and more peaceful by night with ancient palaces, pagodas, royal tombs, etc.

Visitors can contemplate unique architecture, luxurious palaces, impressive tombs, thoughtful landscapes. In addition, Hue also is crowded and interesting by night.
2. Historic building of military
Hue citadel was built under Gia Long and Minh Mang King, is located in the north of Perfume River, facing the south. Hue citadel is unique combination between typical architecture Vietnam and orient’s philosophy and architecture effect the west’s military.

3. Unique mausoleum
Mausoleum’ Nguyen King built obey to balanced geomancer such as: rivers, mountains, lakes, streams. All mausoleum are divided into 2 main parts. One of them is used for located king’s body and the other is used for building pagodas, temples, palaces which serves for kings relax when they are still alive. Therefore each mausoleum also are a landscapes, unique architecture.

4. Nha nhac-the kind of music for royal family
Nha nhac is the kind of music that was recognized as unique intangible heritage by UNESSCO. This is typical music server for royal life of the orient that still protected and passed from generation to generation. Travelers can enjoy talent music combination with unique music instruments.
In the past, this kind of music only performed in special occasion such as the new king put crown or die or impressive festivals throughout 6 Nguyen’s dynasty.

5. Royal cuisine
Hue is famous for royal cuisine. Hue’s food always express sophisticated, elegant of noble style. Nowadays Hue citizen also keep the cream of cuisine in those cook’s style. Hence visitors can enjoy tasty food from talent chefs. There is no place can enjoy Hue aromatic flavor than in this place.

6. Treasure untouched
Located inside Hue citadel, Antiquities museum was founded in 1923 with first name is Musee’s Khai Dinh. After that, it was rename 3 times and nowadays, it is called Hue antiquities museum.
Visitors can contemplate and learn more about antiquities, ceramic, ivory, bones, etc. are displayed in there.