Located near Tuyen Lam Lake, Truc Lam monastery is a popular place that visitors could come when they visit Da Lat city which is famous for dreamy beauty. Traveler can find themselves through inner peace 


Truc Lam monastery in Da Lat accompany with Truc Lam Tien Tu in Quang Ninh province and Truc Lam Tay Thien in Vinh Phuc province is one of the biggest monastery following Truc Lam faction. It goes far 5 kilometers from Da lat city. Truc Lam monastery is on Phung Hoang mountain covered full green pine next to Tuyen Lam Lake. Having beautiful view, it’s a place for not only worship but also for travel discovering.

Traveler can come to Truc Lam by walking on foot or using cable. Visitor can find a Buddha statue sitting under a snow-bell tree as the first sign to come Truc Lam. Coming Truc Lam gate, traveler could throw unhappiness far away. They can enjoy their mind into wonderful pure landscape. It’s a chance to sink their soul into a peaceful spirit atmosphere. They can reflect deeply their feeling that is difficult to recognize on busy ordinary day. There also have some short courses to reflect themselves. If traveler enroll those courses they must eat vegetarian dish and listen to chan as a monk. Truc Lam has a thousand monk or nun to take those courses.

Although, Truc Lam monastery has recently built, it’s attracted local or international visitors to come by old Buddhist style and beauty. It’s famous for garden with full colorful flowers. Sometime, people can easy to find a rare flower in there
From Truc Lam looking down, people can see 5 branches waterfall flow Tuyen Lam Lake like 5 bright fingers under silver sunrise. Visitor can hire boat to watch river sightseeing that is distinct to hills on Da Lat.

Vietnam is currently launching a pilot e-Visa system for citizens from 80 countries.